Static Eliminators

Our various static eliminators (also known as air ionizers/ionisers) are the technological solution to the well-known problem of electrostatic charging. And this is how they work: A small amount of compressed air entrains a large amount of ambient air. This combined flow is ionised via emission peaks and discharged onto the charged surface. The electrostatic charge is neutralised from distances of up to 6 metres. With ionised air it is possible to neutralise positively and negatively charged static in a very short time (< 0.5 sec.), economically and quietly!

The 4th generation antistatic products (GEN4) have undergone independent laboratory testing to certify that they meet the stringent US, European Union and Canadian safety and environmental standards necessary to earn the well-known directives and UL mark. They are also RoHS compliant.

Compared to previous discharge units, our GEN4 static eliminators have improved performance. They are ideal for ionising hard-to-reach or hidden surfaces, fast-moving products or even surfaces with extremely high charge. Select your desired ionisation model below or get an overview of our range ( >> please see Static Eliminators Overview or go directly to our Ionizer online shop).

We are there for you: on the phone, by e-mail and on site!

Radu Pavalache

Tel. +49 81 91 / 91 51 19-12

Daniel Amacher

Daniel Amacher (Schweiz)

Tel. +41 52 53 / 37 964
Mobil +41 76 231 06 73

Bernd Dexl

Bernd Dexl

Tel. +49 81 91 / 91 51 19-22

We are happy to assist you:
- Planning, project planning and installation of compressed air systems
- Loaner for testing
- Custom-made products for your special requirements
- Technical security consulting and requirements recording